01/03/2020 0 Comments
March 2020 Staff Newsletter
Nutrition and Hydration Week
It’s Nutrition and Hydration Week from the 16th to the 22nd of March! The goal is to establish a movement, which will strengthen, concentrate, rejuvenate and make activity and engagement for nutrition and hydration as a vital element to sustaining the well-being and health of our community.
The Nutrition and Hydration Week strives to showcase, support and rejoice improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration nationally.
Concentrating on enhancements in nutrition and hydration across health and social care, we are now spreading our wings.
For night shift workers working outside the average 7 AM to 6 PM time, you might find eating healthy a considerable challenge. Here are some tips you could do to make your workday much healthier:
- Eat your main meal before going to work
- Stay away from high-fat, spicy or fried foods
- Cut down caffeine
- Drink more water and take active breaks
Social Care Workers Receive WHO Tips to Control the COVID-19’s Mental Health Effect
The guidance from the World Health Organisation involves advice for care workers of older adults, those people in isolation and those with complicated health scenarios.
The new regulation recommends that older adults might become more withdrawn, agitated, stressed, angry and anxious during the outbreak. Here are some of the tips directly from WHO.
- Safeguard yourself and be supportive to other people
- Seek information mainly to take steps to prepare your plans and safeguard yourself and loved ones
- Prevent watching, listening or reading to news causing you to feel distressed
- Get some rest, eat well and exercise
- Always stay connected
Health Secretary Requests MPs for Cross-Party Talks on Social Care
The health secretary Matt Hancock has invited all MPs to present their opinions on how to secure an enduring solution for social care and plans to begin “structured talks” in May. He wanted to hear their thoughts, their proposed solutions and concerns about reforming the way people pay for their care as part of the cross-party talks.
These will help social care workers to leave their significant jobs and volunteer temporarily in the event of a widespread pandemic.
Prime Minister Promises PPE for Every Care Worker
Boris Johnson made the promise of more aprons, gloves, masks and other PPE equipment in parliament during PMQs on March 25. They are massively increasing their testing campaign going at least 25,000 each day.
Compared to NHS workers, a lot of supermarkets are failing to acknowledge care workers in priority shopping. The role of the care sector has been underestimated.
Mr Johnson said: “On the tests, the answer is we want to roll that out as soon as we possibly can and the personal protective equipment, the answer is by the end of this week.”
Care Workers Listed among ‘Key Workers’ Whose Kids Could Attend School
Police, delivery drivers and frontline health care staff are among the list of workers considered “critical” to the COVID-19 response. Each school in the country will be closed after today as part of efforts to handle the outbreak.
However, schools will be requested to stay open with a “skeleton staff” to offer care for those included in the key worker’s list, and for those vulnerable kids.
The schools in the UK will be closed from Friday, March 20.
Coronavirus Symptoms
As a social care worker, it’s essential that you understand the symptoms of the coronavirus and how it spreads:
Common Symptoms:
- sore throat
- muscle pain
- chills
- fever
- shortness of breath
- cough
- new loss of smell or taste
Preventive Steps to Take
- wash your hands often
- prevent close contact
- cover your nose and mouth with a cloth face cover when around others
- cover sneezes and coughs